Tuesday, September 15, 2009

ca commence

"It is not in the stars to hold our destiny, but in ourselves." William Shakespeare.

It is however, easy to see life in a slightly more profound way when you begin an adventure.

I just quit my job.

It was a good job and I'm sure i was pretty good at it. The role kind of grew as I grew, to a point evidently.

And when that point arrived I did the only thing I felt i could do; I went to a travel agent and enquired as to how it was that 'Around the World' tickets worked.

I am fortunate enough, at the moment, to have a bunch of really great friends in countries all over the world. Warm, fun, expressive people carving out lives for themselves in foreign lands that I want to reconnect with. The lands and the people.

Sound is important to me.

Music is vital to me.

I spend money on music & concerts the way other women would spend money on fashion and hairdressers.

Actually, i do have a pretty styling wardrobe but i get more excited about tunes than tutus.

So it may sound strange the significance i put into this next statement, but what brings a sense of the profound to one is different to another.

The moment i had some kind of inner clarification that i was 'doing the right thing' by quitting my job and purchasing a 'round the world ticket' was when I came to hand over my credit card at the travel agent.

It was the third time I'd been into this particular agent after ditching my first one, to put the structure and detail into the faint notion I'd had of visiting my friends in an westerly direction across the globe.

This Saturday morning was cold and drab and i was the only customer in the agency with three other agents doing web searches for places they'd rather be, when one of the girls slides her chair back and announces that she is going to put the radio on to help pass the time.

I'd never heard music played in there before, or any other travel agency, come to think of it.

And there it was, as I handed over my credit card with a deep breath the familiar reverb synth line of Daft Punk's 'Around the World'. I laughed, well I kind of choked and guffawed actually and my agent stopped processing my payment and asked "Is there something wrong?"

"No, no not at all I just can't believe this song is on the radio right now - I mean can you believe they're playing Daft Punk Around the World right now!?"

The agent, probably unsurprisingly. looked at me as though I was on the edge of crazy.

As I said, the sense of the profound differs for different people.

But it wasn't just the name of the song that hit the profound button for me, it was also the fact that my soon to be previous employer used to detest Daft Punk and we would get into arguments all the time about the relevance of electronic music to the point where he would challenge my argument with something as weighted as;

"How can you call what your "mates" Daft and Punk do music??

I mean there's NO guitars!!"

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