God, it's so easy to be back here. So familiar, it just feels normal.
You know I love Paris. It's completely obvious.
If I could live back here again I would, in a heart beat - or the bat of a lash. Actually, which one is quicker?
The quartiers of Paris are distinct and different as you probably know.
When I lived there, I lived in the 8th. All fancy big apartments (except mine!) doctors & lawyers residences, l'Arc de Triomphe at the head of the street and parallel to the Champs-Élysées.
Don't even ask how I managed that, it's a whole different story.
I had friends in the 17th a much younger and edgier quartier and close to montmarte/pigalle, friends in the 11th le bastille, friends in the 10th where they have 2 miniature arc de triomphes and an explosion of Eastern and African immigrants, friends in the 6th - St Germain and 13th - china town, oh and a lover in the 5th.
If you haven't seen 'Paris Je T'aime', do - it gives a great lyrical insight into les quartiers. (and yes Dad, it is subtitled)
Oh and off topic see that Michel Gondry film with Charlotte Gainsbourg and Gael Garcia Bernal called La Science des rêves . just because its great.
This time around I'm staying with my gorgeous friend who has just moved into the 5 ème, le quartier latin.
An area I know well and is filled with romanticism for me on account of the great Parisian love affair I had there that summer.
I have been so excited to catch up with D on this trip. She's my partner in crime and our off-beat humour somehow manages to gel.
We have ridiculous fits of laughter and can discuss anything even if it doesn't technically exist yet, and then we laugh about it.
And sometimes we cry.
How great to have friendships that span the globe and weather the years to be able to see each other again and laugh so easily.
She's more French these days than British, I guess it's just crept up on her but each time I see her I notice the difference straight away.
Big changes have happened in her life and mine since we saw each other last.
AND it's her birthday just after I arrive, fresh start, new things. Play Time.
We are so ready for this summer, ready to laugh and play and slough off the old skin.
I agree completely - The Science of Sleep is an adorable film with your beloved Paris as the backdrop! Any new avenues to explore in a bid to return to Paris for good young lady? x